Main Idea


Main IDEA 2019 Teen Arts Program!

Main IDEA is excited to launch another semester of our Teen Arts Program! The program will begin again in 2019 on January 15th and meet weekly on Tuesdays, 6-8pm, at Creative Hub Worcester’s Youth Art Space (653 Main Street, Worcester, MA), featuring various art classes, including visual art, music, drama, dance, creative writing, and culinary arts! This program is for Worcester teens ages 13-17, and is FREE of cost to participants!

Space is limited, so register today!

Worcester Youth Concerts
Great job to all of our teens who participated in our Worcester Youth Concerts this past year! We began hosting seasonal Youth Concerts beginning last Summer, providing performance opportunities for young aspiring artists in Worcester. The program hosts local youth ages 13-17, featuring young musicians, visual artists, dancers, and rock bands! Our next Worcester Youth Concert will be Friday, May 3rd, 6-8pm at the Worcester PopUp!
Teen Music Program

We are excited to launch this new Teen Music Program this Winter/Spring! In completion of this program, participants will have gained the knowledge and tools necessary to confidently and successfully pursue their career in the music industry as musicians, performers, managers, producers, etc. Apply today:

We are excited to continue hosting our Teen Open Mic & Art Night series! These events are FREE, occur monthly, and are open to all teens ages 13-17. Our next event will be Tuesday, January 29th, 6-8pm, at the Worcester PopUp (20 Franklin St.). Come by to share a song or spoken word, sketch or paint your own work of art, and enjoy free refreshments!

Teen Arts Fellowship
We are excited to launch our new Teen Arts Fellowship this Winter/Spring! Main IDEA will choose up to three Teen Art Fellows for the 2019 Year. The Fellows will consist of teens ages 13-17 residing in Worcester and dedicated to developing their leadership and honing their artistic skill in their respective fields including, but not limited to, visual art, creative writing,, drama, and dance. Teen Fellows will assist Main IDEA as Jr. Leaders of the Teen Program throughout the year. The Fellowship will commence for a 5-month period, each Fellow given an honorarium of $100 per month, beginning the second month of their fellowship ($500 total for each fellow). Priority for chosen fellows will be given to youth residing/attending school in Main South, Worcester. Apply by Feb 28th HERE!

Get Involved!

Make a difference in your community by joining the Main IDEA Team! There are lots of ways to be involved:

  1. DONATE today!
  2. VOLUNTEER for a program!
  3. HIRE US us to host a youth arts activity at your next event!

Main IDEA is excited to announce that we are now participating in the Big Y Community Bag and Giving Tag Program!

Teen Arts Workshops:

Watercolor Painting

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Worcester Arts Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

Thank You Corporate Sponsors!

Visionary Donors:
Barr Foundation
Worcester Arts Council
Mass Cultural Council
The TJX Companies
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
United Way of Central Massachusetts

Partner Donors:
POW! WOW! Worcester!

Special Thanks:
Clark University, Main South Community Development Corporation, Big Y, Country Bank, Davis Publications, Worcester Bravehearts, Straight Ahead Ministries, Friendly House Inc., Art Reach, Target, NU Kitchen, New England VegFest

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9 Irving Street, Worcester, MA, 01609

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