Art Kit Donations
By coordinating directly with WPS principals and teachers, we were able to donate 200 Art Kits to youth & families in Main South and its surrounding neighborhoods at Woodland Academy, Goddard, University Park Campus School, Canterbury, YMCA of Central Mass, Columbus Park, Crompton Park, and Greatbrook Valley.
Virtual Art Workshops
We launched a new virtual art workshop series! These workshops are FREE OF COST and hosted weekly, featuring several series on Cartooning, Pen & Ink drawing, and more! Learn more here.
Virtual Events
We continued hosting our FREE monthly Teen Open Mic & Art Night event series–virtually! These events are FREE and are open to all teens/tweens ages 10-17. Learn more here.
Art Kit Giveaway
We partnered with CC Lowell Art Store to host an additional Art Kit Giveaway Contest! Worcester County youth grades K-12 virtually submitted art Mar 24 – Apr 10th, and three winners were chosen to receive FREE art kits from CC Lowell!
Virtual Art Gallery
We created a Virtual Art Gallery on our social media pages, featuring various art mediums done by Worcester County Youth grades K-12! Such features include dance, music, and visual art!
We Need Your Help
With a reported loss of more than $264M in revenue for the Commonwealth’s nonprofit cultural organizations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our community is in dire need of your support now more than ever. Help us continue to make an impact during these uncertain times.